The Magic of Rosin

Here at County Line Hemp we made the investment in SOLVENTLESS EXTRACTION from Day 1.  As we discussed in our first blog post, the CBD industry is rife with products that are processed using harsh chemicals like Propane, Butane, Ethanol and CO2.  While these products are generally still safe to consume, they are simply not going to deliver the same quality effects that the natural plant can deliver.  And in some cases, impurities left behind can accumulate in the body of the user, which can lead to central nervous system (CNS) effects and cardiovascular issues. 

The absolute purest form of consuming cannabis has traditionally been smoking it.  The issue is, most people do not want to smoke anything, let alone hemp flower.  Most of us prefer an easy, safe and healthy way to get the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids.  Edibles and topicals are able to deliver all the benefits of high CBD hemp flower, without the downsides of smoking. 

Natural is Better

The best way to preserve all the goodness contained in the Hemp flower is to leave it in it's natural state as much as possible, and simply separate the unnecessary plant material from the active compounds in the plant.  As I said above, most large processing facilities choose to use harsh chemicals to achieve this, often altering or degrading the very same compounds they are extracting.  It is simply easier for large scale operations to extract this way.  Here at County Line Hemp, we choose to take a more labor intensive path to ensure our customers are getting the absolute best products, and we strive to keep our extracts as close to what nature intended as possible.  Our secret is to start our extraction by making what is called ice water hash.  Once this has been produced, we then use a large heat press to squish out all the amazingness from the hash to create live rosin.  The science behind Rosin is simple: Applying heat melts the terpenes and cannabinoids into a pliable, sticky material.  From this rosin we can make everything from Oils, Topicals, and Edibles (coming soon.....!!!).

Why Do Your Products Work When Others Don't??  

We sell our products in multiple locations, but one of them is in a Chiropractic office where we get consistent feedback from the patients.  What we are consistently hearing from these patients is that they have tried other CBD products and they didn't seem to help them.  Yet when they try our product, they get the desired effects they are after.  While we cannot speak for every case where this happens, we know that many people are buying products that contain CBD "Isolate". While having a highly concentrated CBD only isolate may sound good, it is important to understand why this may not work as well for many people.  

Let's use the example of Vitamin C from an Orange.  When you eat the orange, you are getting plenty of Vitamin C, but you are also getting "co-factors" that help your body absorb and utilize the Vitamin C. If you purchase "Vitamin C" in pill form it is simply Ascorbic Acid in isolate. And now your body has to strip the "co-factors" needed to use the Vitamin C from other sources.  Which usually leads to poor uptake and other deficiencies.  This is why most health care providers would prefer you get your vitamins from real food instead of pills when possible. 

In the case of Hemp/CBD the same thing applies but is even more important, because the Hemp flower contains much much more than just CBD.  There are more than 120 cannabinoids in the Hemp plant.  Yes, more than 120!!!   We all have heard of THC and CBD, but many other compounds like CBG and CBN are known to help with sleep, anxiety, etc.  There are also compounds called Terpenes that provide flavor and smell, but also have an effect on our body that we are still learning more about every day.  Having all these compounds working TOGETHER is what makes our product so much better.  This is known as a Full Spectrum product, and it leads to a magical phenomenon called "The Entourage Effect". 

The Entourage Effect.... 

When CBD is working alongside all it's other cannabinoid friends, it creates something known as the Entourage effect.  We will have a future blog post that talks about this in more detail, but here in this post we will simply say that each cannabinoid "enhances" the effects of the others.  Think of it like a multiplier effect that is not present when you are getting a "CBD Isolate" only.  I like to think of it as 1+1 = 3.  And it is the reason why "Full Spectrum" CBD products, like the ones sold by County Line Hemp, are so much more effective.  

The human body is an incredible thing, and our Endocannabinoid System responds to each cannabinoid differently.  It is our opinion that to if nature intended for us to have ONLY CBD, then the Hemp flower would ONLY contain that single compound.  Hemp contains over 120 compounds, and that means Nature intended for us to consume ALL those compounds at the same time.  So, as we have said multiple times in this blog post, it is essential to use products that contain the entire spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes in the Hemp plant if you want to have the desired effects. 

When deciding where to buy CBD products, you should go with a source that you know is NEVER USING SOLVENTS and always using FULL SPECTRUM extractions in their products.  You can always count on County Line Hemp to provide the highest quality, small batch CBD products made with solventless extraction methods.  That is our promise to our customers.  Thank you for reading our post!